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Well-Prepared to Head Back-to-School!

August 29, 2016

Each year we ask our generous supporters to help our children prepare for the school year through our Back-to-School Program.  Many of our families are unable to purchase the school supplies a child will need to have a successful academic year.  Most children head back to school in a new outfit and we want our children to feel just as confident so many donors picked up a new uniform or chose new shoes for our children.  And we are so grateful to everyone who jumped in to purchase backpacks, donate school supplies, pick out new uniforms or shoes, and pack up the bags.   We would not have been able to assist all 60 families and 117 children without YOU!

These children are bound to have another successful year due to your awe-inspiring care! We had 43 donors provide back packs, lunch boxes, back to school outfits, uniforms, socks, underwear, and shoes for specific children! 10 groups made up of individuals, doctor’s Offices, corporations, clubs, and more contributed an overwhelming amount of back to school supplies from pencil cases, notebooks, calculators, rulers, paper, highlighters, pens, pencils, correction fluid, student planners, crayons, markers, to even coloring books and learning activities! Special thanks to the people who may not have been able to shop but made it a point to send in monetary donations or gift cards! Finally, the back packs would not have been ready for pick up without our 10 lovely office volunteers who spent hours organizing, alphabetizing, tagging, and stuffing!

Words are powerless to describe how grateful we are for your donations, time, and effort in to making this program such a success!

I just wanted to say thank you for the book bags and school supplies!!! Also a special thank you to the donors, I literally was in tears! Thank you for all you do for my family and many more families! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”

– A mother with three children

Our mother’s were unbelievably grateful for the help and our children were so excited to go through their new bags.  One child loved his backpack so much he insisted on sleeping with it in his bed! On Behalf of everyone at Home of the Sparrow, thank you for helping us change the world! Enjoy the rest of your summer knowing you made a true difference in the lives of women and children in our community!



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